In  county transferes

The time to apply for new and continuing transfers from one county school to another within Preston County Schools is here!

Please complete the online form for each individual student separately at this link:

Your request for an in-county transfer is contingent upon certain conditions including class size enrollment.  Should this grade level exceed the maximum capacity of students enrolled from this attendance area at any time during the school year, it may be necessary for your child to return to the school in your home district area.  This request form does not indicate that Preston County Schools is approving the transfer, nor does it indicate that Preston County Schools will provide transportation as required by County Policy 11-13.  You will be responsible to provide the transportation to and from your child's school, if approved.  

Additionally, if your child should have excessive absences or tardies, then this approval will be reconsidered during a CA2/School Attendance Review Board meeting at the county office.

You will receive a letter in the mail by the end of July providing your approval or denial.

Thank you,
Laura Shaffer
Preston County Schools
Director of Attendance & Student Support Services
Communities in Schools County Contact
Phone: 304-329-0580 Ext 236